Thursday, July 13, 2017

Steps to Become Professional Release Writer

One of the most popular side jobs today is to become a blogger and become a freelance writer. Of course in today's modern era, the period where information technology has reached a high level, this field of work is not foreign to us. And of course this work also brings a real income for real actors or workers. What are the similarities of two fields of work or bloggers and freelance writers, the same make the writing or the same work as a writer, although in blogging, bloggers also manage other things. Well, in the discussion this time, we will discuss about the exact way to become a professional freelance writer. Because of the increasingly fierce competition demand due to the emergence of freelance writers new freelance, making the competition to find the more difficult projects. Therefore, we must be a professional writer in the eyes of the client to easily overcome this competition, as well as with the world of blogging, we must mempuis with professional menuis. Of course steps to become professional freelance writers you need to learn and understand that your work activities as a freelance writer run properly and high value. Likewise, the content that you will produce, whether for whatever it is, certainly will be good and quality. Immediately we refer to the steps below this is a jada jitu to become professional freelance writer;

Keep Learning and Sharpen Ability
Learning and sharpening ability will enhance the knowledge, experience and creativity of writing that we do, this also applies to any activity or work. Well, of course to become a professional freelance writer, we must be willing to learn. Learn to know how to write good and true, how to write with good quality, understand the basic concept of article writing to advanced. In addition we have to practice what we've got from the learning process and we can begin to hone our writing skills continuously until all our work activities as a writer can be easy or lightweight. Because we do not have enough energy to do side jobs after a day doing the main job. This is the first step.
Always Monitor News Updates
The development of news is certainly not always the same, there are so many topics that are booming and at times berkutnya will certainly change. Well, as a writer, you must meu and besedia follow the development of this news, for next you think and though so that the writing you make or that you design can be in accordance with the topic that is the trend so that the sale value of the content of your article will be high and Interesting in the eyes of people, and many people are also looking for it.
Learn SEO
Most of the content of articles ordered by clients, actually used for posting on their blog or website. So in this context, understanding SEO will increase the value of your articles, in addition to this knowledge will seo will make you superior to your other competitors in the eyes of the client, because you can create content articles of course SEO friendly which is certainly needed by any blog owner Throughout the universe. So learning seo and mastering it will be very important to you and you can be rated professionally by your clients and they will not hesitate to return to your services when there is work to be provided.
Master the Foreign Language
Mastering a foreign language is also very important, because this is a provision that will make you deserve to be said professional and can not be considered cheap. Because knowledge of foreign languages ​​is very important, and by having knowledge of this foreign language, you will not be limited to writing Indonesian language, on the contrary, you can take a project to write foreign language content which of course the price is more expensive and the level of lower competition Easy alias. This will be an additional value for you.
Always Create Interesting and Informative Articles
Interesting and informative articles will never be rewarded cheaply and such content can only be made by professionals. And professionals also write by always paying attention to these two aspects, because this is the attractiveness and benchmark qualita work as a professional freelance writer. Well from now on, create content that does have an informative and interesting side every time you create an article, this will make you more up and professional. Articles like these will satisfy clients who hire you as freelance writers.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

6 Terms to Be a Successful Blogger

Everyone has the potential to become a successful blogger.
Unfortunately many bloggers are not trying hard enough to make it happen. While others, prefer to stop in the middle of the journey. And others, lose the spirit to keep learning. It all adds to the long list of failed bloggers who 'give up too quickly' , before reaching their destination.
he important point I want to convey here is that you have to stay focused and not give up to achieve your initial goal of becoming a blogger.
Below I write 6 terms to become a successful blogger, which if fulfilled, then the success is not just a hope. Let's check one by one:

1. Build credibility

One of the fundamental points to become a successful blogger is how to build and foster credibility in the eyes of blog visitors. What do you want to accomplish? Are you an expert in your field?
For example, if you are blogging about earning money through internet business, how much money have you earned? You have to tell your readers how you got there. And what can you suggest to the reader?

2. Sharing all your experiences

The next point is, that a successful blogger is those who share all the experience, share successes as well as failures, share the way that goes well and what does not. Essentially, there's nothing you want to hide from readers.
If you do, the content you present will undoubtedly attract so many loyal readers. They visit your blog, because they want to hear your experience in achieving success in a particular field.

3. Presenting something no one else did

If you just 'threw up' what many other bloggers have written, it will be difficult to perform up front. You need to give something new, something according to your personal point of view.
Topics can be the same, but different ways of presenting, different experiences, and letting the reader see from different sunglasses, are the next basic capital for success in blogging.

4. Commenting on other people's blogs

In this case I have discussed at length about the Why I enter this list, because I see many bloggers who are still lazy to do this one activity. And is not it something nice, get hundreds of comments from other bloggers every day? If you want to be like that, you should first do it for someone else.

5. Be a fun person

Life is hard. People do blogwalking or looking for information on the internet is because they want to get out of the routine that tired all day struggling with a million problems . And when they visit your blog, they just find a flat, crisp and very serious text, just like a chemistry textbook. Mmmmm ... readers will soon leave your blog.
Bloggers who have a smart sense of humor, more likely to become successful bloggers. Taste a fresh sense of humor in every of your writings, people will feel at home for long. Make them smile when you read the most technical description that you present.

6. Subscribe to the latest articles from PortalUang 

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How To Increase Blog Visitor Quickly

To create a blog that is always crowded and many visitors certainly not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, but if you know the secrets, tricks and tips2 that should be done, in fact not too difficult to make our blog is always crowded and many pengujung, naturally fast and consistent .

Then guess what is the secret to make our blog is always crowded and many visitors? Naturally, quickly, easily and consistently and continues to grow crowded and multiply visitors who visit our blog,
Let's just we see the following reviews ,,

Make A Post / Articles That Are Trends or The Most In Search Before you create or update an article on your blog, it would be nice if you first do research (Keyword Research) or conduct research in advance about what news is rife in social media and news What are the current trends, if you are confused to sort out what post is currently trends you can use the Google Trends app that can help you show the search chart that is being trending the current topic, be it trending topics in Indonesia or trending topics in The world today. Or we can also find a topic of timeless discussion that always exist only readers, can also research on google trends, of course must be in accordance with our blog niche,

Use SEO techniques is a technique that must be known and owned by a blogger or website owner, because without SEO blog or website that you manage will be empty of visitors, and you can not produce anything if your blog is empty of visitors, therefore if you want blog You are a lot of visitors it is good if you use basic SEO techniques, be it SEO on page or off page SEO to help you get thousands of visitors from organic traffic, if you do not understand how to use our basic SEO techniques to let you learn through SEO training or Learn through blogs or websites that discuss the topic, you can learn more at
Basic SEO Techniques For Beginners Who Must Know.
Submit to Web Directory One of the few techniques rarely done by a blogger is that they are often lazy to submit their blog pages to Web Directory, they generally feel that if they submit their articles to Web Directory they will experience duplicate content when that is not true, even if we Diligently submitting our articles to Web Directory we have a chance to get a strong backlink from the site, if you confuse which Web Directory sites you will follow, maybe it's good if you start from Lintas Me or Pulsk, because the site has thousands of members.

Share To The Latest Social Media Tips is to share or menshare your page or post to social media, be it facebook, twitter, google plus and tumblr, because with menshare your blog page to social media, visitors will be curious about the link you share and In turn will bergunjung to your blog, nah to more effectively try to share your article or url link in several groups in social media like facebook and google plus, of course the relevant group with the article or url link that we will share later, because of the group Has many members, thousands, even tens of thousands of members, so have many opportunities our articles or blogs are visited by thousands of visitors, and if our articles useful and interesting they will not hesitate to bookmark our blog url link.

Introducing blogs to search engines
Visitors can indeed come from anywhere, but we must be smart to take advantage of the arrival of visitors from search engines, because most Internet users use search engines to find articles that search, so blogs can be recognized by search engines we have to register or introduce blogs to search engines Such as, google, yahoo, bing and other search engines, please read how to post title appears in google search.

Introducing blogs to social networks
Social networking is one of the most users of the site, the opportunity should we use to promote blogs in social networking, use social networking that is popular today, such as facebook, twitter, google +, linkedin, etc., the way of promotion that we can use is By making a fan page and looking to invite friends as much as possible to like our social media blog page.

Introducing blogs to other blogs
Blog walking aims to introduce our blog to other bloggers, perbanyaklah blog walking begins by searching for articles with keywords relavan with our blog, use any user when commented and also we can put a link on their comments, no matter nothing, The more often blog walking slow but surely visitors are increasing, never used for SPAM, read first their articles and commented relevant.

Introducing blogs to online forums Online forums where gathering netter who have the same interests, online forums we can use to promote, please join an online forum, publish some thrites or articles relevant to our blog, put backliing to our blog, For now online forums are equipped with signatures, we can put some backlinks on the signatures in accordance with the rules. Signatures will automatically appear in our comments or under treats we publish on those forums, it is recommended to follow forum rules created, never used for SPAM.

Introducing blogs to social bookmarking. A lot of social bookmarking, please bookmark as many articles as you have written on social bookmarking sites, when bookmarks are suggested to modify the title and content of the article to avoid duplicate content, sicial bookmark is useful to add backlinks, increase visitor and speed up the index search engine.

Maybe it's just our review about Tips for Blogs and Many Visitors, hopefully with our short review, you can gain knowledge on how to make your blog famous and have thousands of visitors every day, may be useful.